Are the Ten Commandments just a list of rules we are supposed to obey? Do they still apply today? And if so, how do we apply the commandments to our lives?
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God First and Foremost
God loved Israel before they had deserved it, and he extends the same unconditional love to us today. Albert reminded us that God loved us first and continues to love us best. And, as we receive his perfect love, it begins to transform us from within.
The first commandment sets the tone for what God expects of his people—a life fully devoted to God, loving him above any person, place, or thing. That means our lives should look different from those around us. Our thoughts, words, and actions serve our Creator in loving obedience.
This week, prioritize intentional time with God to speak to and hear from him. Evaluate how your life is or may not be centered around God and his kingdom. Ask those around you how you are keeping God first and how you can continue to pursue God’s heart.
No Substitutes
When we allow anything to take the place of God in our life, we create a version of God that fits our preferences. We would rather control God than obey him, feel temporary happiness instead of pursuing long-lasting holiness. God knows what we need, but will tear our idols from our hands and unroot them from our hearts.
God is jealous for us and only wants his best for us. Instead of bowing to idols, we can fully trust and rely on God’s provision. He wants so much for us. His character is consistent, and we cannot and should not change who he is.
Honour His Name
Through the third commandment, God reminds us of the power of his name. The more we know who God is, the more we understand the importance of representing him to the world. But when we live carelessly, treating God like a side story to our lives, we not only diminish the value of his name, but we also dishonor God. As believers, we have the opportunity to show the world who God is. It is no small task to bear God’s name—it’s a powerful responsibility.
Therefore, we must get rid of all immorality, evil desires, or anything which comes from our sinful nature. Instead, we should display the righteousness of God through compassion, kindness, and humility.
This week, pray about how you are currently representing God’s kingdom. Ask God to show you areas you could represent him more in your life.
Rest and Enjoy
We are commanded to build a rhythm of rest—to take a day set apart from the others. As we establish a rhythm of rest through the sabbath, we build a discipline that leads to deeper devotion. The sabbath is an opportunity to recharge, enjoy life, and to delight in God. It should be the best day of our week!
This week remember to stop and rest from the work you have done. Work from a place of rest remember that God has freed you from the bondage of sin into freedom. Make time to stop, rest, delight, and worship God this week.
Consider reading one section a day to deepen your study of the Ten Commandments.
Love Through Honour
God focuses on both our vertical and horizontal relationships. We have to let his influence overflow into all of our relationships. Despite their failures, we honour God when we honour and love our parents.
There are inevitably going to be gaps left by our earthly parents. But we are loved by a heavenly Father who leaves no gaps in his love for us. He provides all that we need and so much more.
This week, find one way to honour your parents or the parental figures in your life. Pray for those in your life who are parents and thank God for being your Father.
Love Through Forgiveness
The fifth commandment goes much further than not killing—it exposes out attitude toward others. Grace was extended to us through Jesus, but when we harbor anger, we refuse to give the grace we have been given and mistreat someone made in God’s image.
Take time this week to ask God to reveal where you need to extend forgiveness to others. Perhaps you need healing or forgiveness toward yourself. Remember, God has already forgiven you and loves you fully. Only through the forgiveness he gives to us are we able to forgive others. Pray about how you might be able to make things right with certain people in your life.
Love Through Faithfulness
When we obey God’s commandments, we’re responding to him with love. We don’t reluctantly follow a list of rules. Instead, we accept his invitation to enjoy a covenantal relationship with him.
If you feel guilt or shame, remember that God has loved you despite your sin. He welcomes you into his arms and is eager to heal you. He is more forgiving, more kind, and more eager to be with you than you could imagine. Sexual sin is not a bruise you have to carry forever. But we do have to turn from lust toward the one who loves us.
This week take practical steps to remove stumbling blocks that do not honour God. Prayerfully consider ways that you can surrender your comfort and control. And trust God and his best in your life.
Love Through Contentment
Stealing is more than taking someone’s money or possessions. We can steal moments, experiences, or feelings from others. Taking joy or hope from someone is just as harmful as stealing money, and when we take from others, we are also stealing from God.
Albert challenged us to be generous—to give rather than take. Our heart’s posture must be centered around generosity and contentment rather than scarcity and discontentment. This week, let’s look for ways we can be generous with God has given us, and let’s praise him for being generous with us.
Love Through Encouragement
The way we speak to and about others is a direct reflection of our hearts. If we allow God’s truth to live in us, we will learn to speak his language. But when we don’t cover our words with his love, we allow the enemy to infiltrate our speech and hurt others.
It is important not only to speak truthfully as we are commanded but it is important to talk in a way that is loving and kind. Rather than using the power of our words as a weapon, we are called to use our words as a tool to bring life to those around us. May our words bring light and life, through Christ, to those around us. May we be encouragers as we honour God through his commandments.
Love Through Satisfaction
The Ten Commandments began with God’s desire for complete devotion from his people and they end with God addressing his people’s desires again. God wrote a love letter to the Israelites to show them the vertical and horizontal relationships between God and his people and his people and each other. The letter of love extends to us as—it shows us the heart of God his heart’s desire for intimacy with us.
When we appreciate how God has blessed us, we move away from covetousness and toward our covenant relationship with God. Our lives should reflect our contentment in God through our actions, choices, and resources. Everything has been given to us by God, for his glory. Because he loves us, he has provided all that we need to love him and love others.