Adult ministries

Our adult ministries at New Life provide many opportunities for you to connect with each other. We have a vibrant Women's Ministry called Sisterhood and our Men's Ministry is always looking for ways to help.

Bible study

Wednesday Nights 6:30-8:00 pm

First Peter | Kyle Idleman

This world looks nothing like the promised perfect kingdom of God. And yet we as God's people must live in it every day. In The Book of 1 Peter, Kyle Idleman walks through the short letter and unpacks the importance of our witness in this world.

The world's not as it should be. Until the day that God rights all wrongs, we have a job to do. Let's be about the business of the kingdom.


Women's Ministry

February 21-22nd

Ladies Gathering

Click here for all the details.

April 5th

Paint Night | 6:30pm

May 10th

Mother's Day Tea | 2pm

June 21st

BBQ | at Kirsten's

*all events are at the church unless specified.


Currently under construction.