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Tell Others What You Found

Sharing what you learn is a great way to memories what you learn! Deuteronomy 6:4-9 reminds us how to tell others in your family, friends and in the church.


Make this week’s lesson real:

Take some extra time each day to talk about your day and your kids’ day. Listen when they have exciting news. Then remind them we need to be looking for opportunities to share the Bible and Jesus with others.


Here are some great discussion starters:

- How often should we be thinking about God’s Word?

- Is it important to share the Bible with other people?

- Have you shared something you read in the Bible with a friend this week?

Oct 13- Tell Others What You Found

This week we are looking into why it is important to not swim alone. 

Take some time to pray and ask God who you can work with to read the Bible with, and memorize verses. 

Sept 8 & 15 - Don't Swim Alone

Main Scripture: Psalm 145

Knowing who God is can help us know why we need to learn how to swim! Remember that shells, sand dollars, starfish, and other cool things found on the shore line are just a glimpse of what we can find when we dive into God's word.

We briefly went through Psalm 145 to see who God is and what He does! Take some time this week to read this chapter together and highlight some important details of who God is!

Sept 1 - Why Learn to Swim?

Main Scripture: Genesis 6:9-22

  1. Do you think building a big ark would be hard?
  2. What was hard for you to do this week?
  3. Why are some things hard for you?
  4. What would help you when things get hard?
  5. Parents and kids, write 2 thing that would make things easier for one another. Submit it to Pastor Sarah for a bonus prize

August 25 - Noah Obeys God

Main Scripture: Luke 19:28-38

  1. What are 2 things you love about Jesus?
  2. Read Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-10 and Luke 19:28-38. Play I spy and find 1 similarity and 1 difference between all 3 documents of Jesus entering Jerusalem.
  3. How can we celebrate Jesus, and thanking Him for what He did on the cross?

August 18 - Palm Sunday

Main Scripture: Nehemiah 1-3

1.     What was your top 3 Blueberry festival events??

2.    Read Nehemiah 1 & 2; what happens when we keep God’s covenant? What is God’s covenant?

3.    How can you be a leader and do what’s right?

Submit a list of 5 ways you can improve and learn how to do what’s right to Pastor Sarah for a prize.

August 11 - Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls

Main Scripture: 1 Samuel 17

1.     Are you going to any Blueberry festival events this week?

2.    Read 1 Samuel 17 and share 1 thing you learnt about David.

3.    What would have happened if David did not obey God? 

4.    How can you be a leader and obey God?

August 4 - David The Hero

Main Scripture - Acts 6:1-7

1.    What activities have you enjoyed this summer?

2.    Read Acts 6:1-4 and share how the decided to choose 7 people to help the widows.

3.    Why was Stephen chosen? 

4.    What is happening in verse 6? Why is it important to lay hands and pray over others?

July 28 - Food For Widows

Main Scripture - Judges 4:1-16

1.    What does - putting others first - mean?

2.    Whose example of love should we follow?

3.    When is it difficult for you to put others first?

4.    How often do you think [mom or dad or grandparents] put you first?

5.    BONUS: List 3 ways you can put other first in your home, 3 in the community, and 3 at NLA! (Submit them to Pastor Sarah for a prize)

July 21 - Deborah Helps God's People

Jesus Chooses Helpers (Disciples)

Matthew 4:18-22

  1. What is something you want to do this summer?
  2. What is a disciple/helper?
  3. What goal did Jesus have with the disciples/helpers?
  4. What kind of disciples did Jesus find? (Bonus – Write all 12 Disciples names and submit them for a prize)
  5. How can we follow God in our own lives, just like the Disciples? Give 4 examples!


Both parents and kids answer

  1. A disciple means to be a follower. As a follower of Jesus, we want to learn more about God and show others what we believe.
  2. Jesus’ goal for his disciples/helpers to know the way, the truth and the life, and to teach them how to go and share the word to everyone on earth.
  3. Jesus found anyone willing, and of any trade-job, skill-talent, or title- rich or poor.
  4. EVERYONE - Share with your family the 4 examples

July 14 - Jesus Chooses Helpers